Innovative and Customized Solutions For Your Facility
Reimagining the Parking Operator Role in the Future of Mobility
Fast changing technology introducing smart cities, electric vehicles, and mobility as a service is transforming the way society moves faster than we might think. By taking strategic steps today, parking operators can prepare to play a crucial role in tomorrow's world of mobility.
PAL's innovative solutions ensures to make it easy for operators to get the best out of today's market while being a step ahead for tomorrow's. Our latest technology now enables your facility to provide touchless payments, inventory management and seamless entry and exit. Let's team up to make your facilities indispensable to the future of connected mobility hubs and an open connected-mobility services marketplace.
Increasing Revenue with Dynamic Pricing and Reducing Operational Cost
Applying Digital and Seamless Payment
Introducing Advanced Security Options
Enhancing Visitor Experience and Brand Image
Connecting on- and off - street parking
Let's Talk!
Interested in learning more about our solutions or listing parking on our network? Our market development team is ready to help.
(+20) 106 986 3655